Hobby operating system, created by Alexander Buchkov.


Retr0OS is hobby operating system created by Retr0A (me). For now it has very basic functions and it is console-gui OS.

The OS is powered by CosmosOS, which is toolkit for developing operating systems with C#


The system is not released and its in very early stage (v0.5), so don't expect to have many features

Expected Features At Release

Here are the features that are expected when the Retr0OS 1.0 releases.

How to Boot

To boot the ISO image:

  1. Download the image below, or from the site.
  2. Create a new Virtual Machine (VMWare preferred)
  3. Download the filesystem disk from the site, and replace the default disk with this one.
  4. Boot up the OS and you're ready to go.
  5. You can use the command "help" anytime. It will display all avaliable commands and it's usage.


Type/Version Download
Latest (PreRelease v0.5)
File System (.vhd)